How does the service work?
1. We’ll collect your microfiche jackets, microfilm rolls, COM fiche and aperture cards.
2. Then we’ll scan, OCR, and index them at our secure facility.
3. We will accurately convert your document images to PDF, TIFF or any other file format.
What is Microfiche?
Microfiche is a sheet of film containing rows of images. The most common we see is roll film cut into strips and placed in a jacket or sleeve. The size and number of images per jacket vary. Additionally, the film may be positive, negative, or mixed within a jacket. All of these factors affect the cost of conversion.
What is Roll Film?
Roll film is microfilm either in an open reel or in a cassette. Roll film typically comes in lengths of 100′ for 35mm film, 130′ for 16mm film and 215′ for 16mm film. Roll film may also may be single stream, images side by side, or dual stream, images stacked two up on the film. Then image to the right is an example of dual stream 16mm roll film.
What is COM Fiche?
COM Fiche or Computer Output Microfilm is microfilm that is generated from a mainframe data stream or print file. Typically, COM fiche is a series images produced at a 24X or 48X reduction ratio. The sample to the right is a COM fiche produced at 48X reduction.
What is an Aperture Card?
An aperture card is a type of punched card with a cut-out window into a chip of microfilm is mounted. Such a card is used for archiving or for making multiple inexpensive copies of a document for ease of distribution. Think of an Aperture card as a type of punch card that has a cutout with a piece of 35mm microfilm in it. The Aperture card has a row at the top that identifies the content and often is punched with Hollerith or machine-readable data.
Microfilm & Microfiche Scanning
Our microfiche scanners can capture images from 16mm, 35mm and 70mm microfiche, regardless if it is Step and Repeat, Jacketed, or COM (Computer Output Microfilm).
We have the ability to capture images in black, white or grayscale. Depending on the quality of the film, no matter how much microfilm or microfiche you have, we will scan it at the highest quality.
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